This kind of mobile phone jammer can be installed as the car
mount type.
As for the sometimes see many of his color is processing by another process method: anodic oxidation on the basis of the role of electrophoresis in uniform oxide film covered with a layer of water
-soluble acrylic film, so that the profiles formed on the surface anodic oxide film and acrylic paint film composite membrane. Feel smooth and delicate, brightly colored appearance, in addition to
production of the original oxidation on the basis of the coloring color can make more, such as white and green and other bright colors. A total of more than 200 kinds of color selection, to give
designers a vast space, stable performance, film adhesion strong, easy to peel, acid resistance, salt spray resistance, mortar, weather resistance, anti-aging performance. The coating is not
volatile in the air, no oxidation, pollution-free poison, good environmental performance. Surface dirt washed look. MD start modeling requires ID wireframe, wireframe is to delineate the ID
according to the outline on the process map can truly reflect the design intent of the ID of the output file can be in DXF and IGS format.
Under the shell thick suitable for the subject, usually the motherboard installed in the next shell, dismantled and strive to simple, too casual fan will reduce mobile phone strength, assembly
difficulty will increase, if necessary, to discuss and structure colleagues weigh something to strive for find the best piecemeal program dismantled the program is scheduled, it is necessary to
consider the draft between the various shell, the upper and lower shell along the mold to be more than 3 degrees, metal decorative plate surrounding the draft to be more than 5 degrees. drawing of
the appearance of the surface appearance of the surface outer contour surface of the phone, good curve a good surface, the description line must be close to the ID of the wireframe, and respect the
creativity of the ID is the cultivation of the structural engineer. lines also try to fairing as far as possible uniform change of curvature, draft angle to be taken into account.appearance of the
palm, making a dedicated hand-mill, and making a candy bar phone three to four days, the appearance of the board for a solid not be demolished, is mainly used to confirm the appearance, the
appearance of the palm buttons at the bottom pad Wo Tsai piece with a feel like a real machine. after the customer receives the assessment, given the amendments, MD is responsible for improve, you
can start to do the internal structure.
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